Why am I afraid of having a daughter?

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Will she be like me?

My biggest fear is that my daughter will end up like me.

I don’t mean the good parts of me like my genuine heart, kindness, friendliness, creativity, and determination. If she inherits these traits, I would be very proud.

I fear she will question herself.
I fear she will not know her worth.
I fear she will be abused.
I fear she will think she is not enough.
I fear she will seek perfection in her life.
I fear she will think she is not beautiful.
I fear she will try to make others happy before herself.

Will she be close to me?

In my family, there are at least four generations of strained mother and daughter relationships. I do not speak to my mother or grandmother. My mother only speaks to her mother when it suits her needs. My grandmother never spoke highly of my great grandmother.

I fear that she will grow up and leave just as many generations of daughters have; just like I have to protect myself and my family. What if I fail her as a mother and she feels the need to separate from me? Does this mean the cycle of abuse was not broken

My Wish

Baby girl,

I wish you peace, love, and happiness. I hope you see your beauty, inside and out. I hope you make time for yourself and take care of your needs first.

You are a blessing.

Your name means “bright shining light” and I hope that light burns bright within you. You are more than enough.

I vow to do my best to keep you from harm.
