How can I cope with anxiety?

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While in therapy I have learned several techniques for coping with anxiety and depression. While some of them may work better for you than others, when applied they can readily reduce the strength of your feelings.

Typically we have the same responses to triggers when they occur. We freeze, run or fight. Knowing that at our core we have an animal response to triggers can help you determine the best techniques to help you.


Music is empowering. It can pump you up, make you sleepy or relax you. Music can also make you angry and bring up bad memories. Music that causes anxiety or makes your anxiety worse should be avoided. You may not know what types of music cause this for you and the process may be experimental. In the mean time if you are triggered by a musical piece, use the rest of the techniques listed here to help you.

There are several types of music that when my husband listens to them I would think he was mad. This caused me a great deal of anxiety. Now I understand that those songs do not have the same affect for him that they do for me.

Get Outside

Just relax in a hammock and take in the air. Do some gardening. Go to the beach. There are so many things you can do outside and sometimes just being outside can calm you. If you cannot get outside, look out the window or open it for some fresh air.


Exercising can be great for your emotional state. Not only will endorphins be released but in time you will gain confidence if you begin losing weight. Finding motivation to exercise can be tricky if you suffer from low self esteem or have other issues blocking you from succeeding. In my case I am blocked from exercising by my desires to not live up to my mother’s standards for me while simultaneously feeling bad for not being “perfect.” It is a very complicated state to exist in.

Essential Oils

Essential oil blends can be very helpful in treating anxiety. I actually have a blend called liquid xanax and find that when anxiety strikes it does help calm me. There are so many blends and varieties that can really help with physical and mental ailments. The oil can be applied to the skin diluted with coconut oil, diffused or added to a piece of jewelry designed to hold full strength oil. There are even oils safe to use on babies but in a different dilution amount. Example clove oil is great for teething babies.

Breathing Techniques

Controlling your breath can actually slow down your neural responses so that next time you encounter a similar event you will actually react less. There are several other benefits you can read about on Psychology Today, including but not limited to memory improvements, blood pressure regulation, and improving your metabolism.

Not only does breathing calm your emotional response, it also can stop anxiety in its tracks. Breathing in the moment can break up energy and release it from your body.

Talk to an Ally

If you have a person you are close to that can help you get through a bout of anxiety, ask for help if you need it. I would warn on becoming dependent or codependent on that person to calm you down. Save it for emergencies when you are losing your own self control and need someone to reason with your brain for you.

Breaking the Thought Wave

Breaking the thought wave can be very beneficial as a distraction from whatever is causing you anxiety. It provides a quick remedy to deal with sudden onset anxiety.

Find any object you can see. Use this image of a coffee mug as an example.

Ask yourself the following questions:

What color is it?
What shape is it?
Are there words on it?
Use an adjective to describe it.
What is it used for?

Add in any other things you need to until you calm down. Describe several objects if you run out of ways to describe the original one you chose.

Find the Source

Anxiety is your psyche screaming to you for attention. It could be an inner child that needs something from you. I have several posts that relate to my inner children and the anxiety that they brought up when they desired to be heard. It could be a memory triggered by an event that occurred but you don’t know what that is or how it relates to the present. Either way it is telling you something much in the way the body tells you with pain that something is wrong.

Listen to it.

If you are not strong enough to let the feeling take you over and dig into it to find the root cause on your own then seek help from a therapist.

Most anxiety is related to a memory or an emotional response to a memory you can’t summon. When you grow up in a toxic environment you learn to suppress feelings and find unhealthy ways to deal with your problems. These coping mechanisms do not work in real life. You will worry when there is nothing to worry about because life has told you that you have to be vigilant.

Before I started EMDR, there were times that I would come home and my husband would be cleaning. I would instantly become anxious. I had no idea that this was because of my mother. My mother was very clean. She often would criticize my bedroom and keep my friends from coming over unless it was completely spotless. Now that I have resolved that part of me, I am much more relaxed and can take care of myself before the dishes without feeling guilty for doing something for myself first.

Remove Toxicity From Your Life

While difficult, removing people that cause you anxiety or are toxic from your life is a way to calm your anxiety. Typically, those with toxic upbringings tend to allow toxic people to remain in their lives, partly due to the desire to avoid conflict and partly because it is what you know and it is comfortable.

I removed several people from my life who were not treating me or my family with the respect we deserved. My mother, my aunt, my grandmother and a few friends. After realizing that my friends were also toxic for me breaking off the friendship was pretty difficult since it was a confrontation. While cowardly, I delivered the news via text message. I wish I had the strength then that I do now to face them and tell them my true feelings.

What Works For You?

Apart from the techniques I have listed here, experiment with self care. Take an art class, a dance class or pick up an instrument and learn to play it. Read a book. Sing. Get some clay. Go for a hike.

Find the thing that heals you.

Why did I dislike visiting my grandfather?

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I left home when I was 20 years old. Up until that moment, my family would periodically go visit my grandfather. We always had a pretty good time together although he couldn’t do much as he was on oxygen most of my entire life.

I believe my mom harbored some sort of resentment towards my grandfather because he lived with my aunt and her sons. In that situation there is going to be some sort of different treatment, I suppose. I never saw any difference in the way I was treated by my grandfather, except for maybe that I was a girl and he did more activities with the boys. He never made me feel any less loved.

I can’t say I have any specific or memorable moments hanging out with my grandfather except for one.


Once when I was older, I went to visit my grandfather on my own without my family. When it was time for me to leave I gave him a hug and he learned in and gave me a big kiss on my cheek and told me he loved me. I cannot remember a time when he expressed his love for me like that. Not that it didn’t happen, I just don’t remember it. In that moment I knew he was rooting for me and really wanted to see me succeed.

Why did I stay away?

Generally, when I went to visit my grandfather, my aunt was always present, see my toxic family tree here. You can also read about how she treated me here and here. She lived with my grandfather in his attic and also in his spare bedroom in the previous home he rented. I actually can’t remember a time I visited him and my aunt was not present.

Even on his death bed I was not given the privacy to say goodbye. My aunt stayed in the room with me the entire time. I am pretty awkward when it comes to death and I can be very unsentimental in things to say. Add in the fact that I felt like I was being watched like a kleptomaniac by a person I would rather not coexist with and needless to say, I was extra uncomfortable.

My care and concern live within me but rarely is it something that sees the light. I believe this is due to the knowledge that these things are exploitable.

Hospital Visit

I visited my grandfather once in the hospital a few years prior to his death while I was in college. I brought along my math homework with me since I knew we were going to be there for awhile. My grades were important to me so that I could keep my grades up to get my degree and keep my grant. Loudly, my aunt proclaimed how disrespectful I was and made me give up my seat to someone more deserving. I remember waiting in the hallway away from my entire family. I do not remember who but one family member came to talk to me about it and had my back.


I noted that when we came to visit she was always there and seemed to always commandeer the conversation to spread her youngest son’s accomplishments. Not that we were not proud of him, but it seemed like she enjoyed having us over so that she could brag to someone new. Any accomplishments I brought forth were always dismissed and did not seem worthy of her attention. I am actually a successful individual. I just needed some time to find my passion.

I have coined the term “alpha narc” for my aunt as she is the one in control of my mother and grandmother, or at least it seems that way to me.

No Regrets

I know my grandfather and I may not have had a lot of time together during the end of his life but I regularly find ways to speak to him. While I do not have any regrets, I hope he knows how much I care about him.

Unfortunately due to his wishes I will never be able to visit his body. I was told his ashes were scattered in another country, but apparently that was untrue. It seems I have to question everything I have ever been told.

All I can do is to keep sending my energy and wishes to him in the hopes that it finds him wherever he may be.

Love you Pop-Pop.

The Noise Within

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Today, while I was at work I began to feel anxiety. I had been lethargic all weekend. I needed to find out what was going on.

Earlier this morning, my inner child and I painted the wall vibrantly in many colors and patterns. In doing so , the anxiety temporarily subsided, but got gradually louder as the day progressed.

The Voice

After I picked up my daughter from daycare, I connected with my inner child on the way home. I asked her if she would go with me to the wall. She agreed.

As we approached the wall I began to sense what was on the other side. Anger, fear, confusion, and discontent emanated from the steel prison.

I wait. I listen. I feel.

At last comes a voice. “How could you understand? No one ever understands!”

Thoughts of the Past

I begin to decipher what this statement means and come to the conclusion that it must be related to my high school years. During those years, I had several friends that did not believe my mother could be this horrible monster I described.

My friends never saw her rage, gas lighting, extortionism, guilt tripping, and downright cruelty. Acts saved for the people closest to her, the ones that did not do as she asked, the ones that choose to shine light onto her black heart.

One day during the summer after I graduated from high school, I came home to a door with different locks. I climbed through the window, scraped my arm, and went to bed. Later on, she told me she did not expect me to break in and that she purposely locked me out. Somehow I ended up with a key, probably because she realized if I left she would lose her supply.

The Rebel

Being the defiant “brat” that I am, her words, I never shied away from telling her secrets. Defiance was not a choice. It was a journey to myself. I began living up to the unruly person she kept describing me as.

Her own power stripped by her own words!

As a young adult, I was forced to have long hair. When I was 18, I decided to chop it all off. It felt AMAZING and free. I no longer fit the persona she had been attempting to mold me into. I finally got to choose something about my own body!

Reflecting on the Future

The wall holds several keys to my success. Amazing parts of me such as my silliness and my desire to control everything in my life. Letting go of the wall will release my desires to control and my silliness. I know that by breaking down this wall of steel I will bloom and flourish in this life and hopefully the next.

Why am I afraid of having a daughter?

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Will she be like me?

My biggest fear is that my daughter will end up like me.

I don’t mean the good parts of me like my genuine heart, kindness, friendliness, creativity, and determination. If she inherits these traits, I would be very proud.

I fear she will question herself.
I fear she will not know her worth.
I fear she will be abused.
I fear she will think she is not enough.
I fear she will seek perfection in her life.
I fear she will think she is not beautiful.
I fear she will try to make others happy before herself.

Will she be close to me?

In my family, there are at least four generations of strained mother and daughter relationships. I do not speak to my mother or grandmother. My mother only speaks to her mother when it suits her needs. My grandmother never spoke highly of my great grandmother.

I fear that she will grow up and leave just as many generations of daughters have; just like I have to protect myself and my family. What if I fail her as a mother and she feels the need to separate from me? Does this mean the cycle of abuse was not broken

My Wish

Baby girl,

I wish you peace, love, and happiness. I hope you see your beauty, inside and out. I hope you make time for yourself and take care of your needs first.

You are a blessing.

Your name means “bright shining light” and I hope that light burns bright within you. You are more than enough.

I vow to do my best to keep you from harm.


How can parenting after trauma affect mood?

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Self Doubt

Apart from normal mom guilt that everyone experiences, I have endured guilt from unknown sources within me. It makes me question every decision., listen to those that doubt me and use their doubts as fuel to guilt myself. The cycle of guilt ran rampant in my heart and I had several mood swings and outbursts.


When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter I was initially excited because we already have a son. That excitement faded to fear. Fear that she would become like I am. Fear that I would not be able to break the cycle of abuse. Fear that one day she may never talk to me again. Fear that I would hurt her the way others have hurt me.


Parenting after childhood trauma made me angry. Before I had kids, I was carefree. Now, I felt trapped. I was angry for not being able to take care of my children as well as other mom’s do. I was angry for not keeping the house as clean as I thought it should be. I was angry when my children defied me. I was angry with life. Everything made me angry and I felt like I was stuck in a repetitive cycle where days turned into weeks which turned to months. I did not take care of myself and felt obligated to do more for others than I should have.


My son used to be all about Daddy. He loves Daddy. At some point my mind twisted the love of my son into a competition against my husband. I would get angry, feel useless and think there was no point to my existence in this family. I thought everyone would be happier if I lived somewhere else and did not come back.

How to fix it?

In order to get rid of the anger, the fear, the self doubt, the worthlessness and obtain peace, I have trudge through the dark places in my heart. For an example, see my post about the battle my youngest inner child endured.

This has been the hardest yet most fulfilling part of my life. I have been in therapy, in EMDR therapy, temporarily taken mood stabilizers and taken time to take care of myself.

The only way to get better is to go through it and shed light on the dark places of your heart.