What does Innoscaped stand for?

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Originally, my pen name was going to be Innocent Scapegoat with the website also sharing that name. When I went to look for domains and social media accounts, I realized that for a better user experience something shorter would be needed.

A scapegoat is generally defined as a person onto which blame is placed. In a narcissistic household, the scapegoat child is the one who gets blamed for the narcissist’s problems. In some cases the scapegoat child also gets blamed for the problems of other children in the household.

I was the scapegoat in the family. I was also the whistle blower. None of my friends really believed everything I told them or thought I was exaggerating. I still shared all the terrible things that happened to me growing up anyway. They simply could not fathom a mother behaving in such a way.

Some adults still do not understand how a parent could act like that to their child. They simply are blind to their own struggle, left thinking that they have to like their parents because either the bible or society says we need to, or actually had genuinely great parents.