Why do I hate raw tomatoes?

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When I was a young child, I had several toxic people in my life, see my post here about the toxicity in families and my page with the toxic people in my family.


I do not remember how old I was when this incident occurred. I do remember parts of it vividly, mainly my aunt looming over me.

When I was young, I did not like tomatoes. It is not uncommon for young children to have several food aversions. I have learned that hormones can change what you find palatable which explains why we like different things as we age.

While at my aunts house, in her care, I did not want to eat my tomatoes. I do not recall what else I was served.

Since I refused, she forced the tomatoes into my mouth. I threw them up because I didn’t chew them and her finger went down my throat.

Part of this memory is suppressed or lost because I truly believe it was severely traumatic for me.

The Present

Even though I have healed my youngest inner child, see my page here, I have yet to try raw tomatoes. I do not think I am ready yet to test my inner child in this task.

2 Replies to “Why do I hate raw tomatoes?”

  1. I had a similar experience with oatmeal in a daycare my parents sent me to. They forced me to eat it and I gag at the smell of it to this day.

    1. I’m sorry to hear that. Daycare was a different beast many years ago. I remember kicking and screaming not to go back to one but I have no idea why, I just remember feeling like I didn’t want to be there.

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